Visual Arts Committee Presents:
Salish Blanket Exhibit:
On Display through June 25th
Opening Reception
Thursday, May 30th 2019
Lobby Gallery & Madrona Room
“Worn as ceremonial robes, Salish blankets are complex objects said to preexist in the supernatural realm and made manifest in the natural world through ancestral guidance. The blankets are protective garments that at times of great life changes—birth, marriage, death—offer emotional strength and mental focus. A blanket can help establish the owner’s standing in the community and demonstrate a weaver’s technical expertise and artistic vision. The object, the maker, the wearer, and the community are bound and transformed through the creation and use of the blanket.” – From Salish Blankets: Robes of Protection and Transformation, Symbols of Wealth by Leslie H. Tepper, Janice George, Willard “Buddy” Joseph
You can learn more about Chief Janice George and the Salish weaving tradition at