Orcas Center’s closure over the past 15 months has brought about great challenges, change, and opportunities. I am thrilled that we can look towards a more certain future now that the majority of San Juan County residents are vaccinated! As we move through this new phase of re-opening, we wanted to share our plans – as they stand under current county and state guidelines.

June and July: Orcas Center (along with Doe Bay, and specific concert sponsors) are offering a series of FREE outdoor concerts on the Village Green. Towards the end of July, the Visual Arts Committee (VAC) returns with our first Art Opening in conjunction with OAST: Orcas Artist Studio Tour.

August: We’re working with the Chamber Music Festival to produce a hybrid concert series allowing a limited number of in-house tickets, as well as live-streamed events. Towards the end of August and through September, artist Frank Loudin will be displaying many of his original pieces, which will be on sale as a benefit to Orcas Center.

September: The Jazz Fest returns Labor Day Weekend in a similar format with the number of in-house tickets being dictated by the social distancing rules at the time.

In the fall, we plan on ALL regular classes returning: Dance, Yoga, Art, Silks – Everything that we missed so dearly during the pandemic will be back! Between now and the fall, we are still working on necessary infrastructure projects such as replacing the carpeting in the theatre and lobby area, installing a new stage curtain, giving the main stage a much-needed fresh coat of paint, and replacing all theatre seating.

We have a number of traveling artists booked for the fall and winter, (including George Winston in September) and will likely do some sort of small-scale play before the end of the year. At this time, we do not know for certain if we’ll be able to have a full or limited audience for these planned shows – much will depend upon guidelines at the time.

Looking towards 2022 – We are excited to mount a large-scale production! Whether that is reviving Chicago, or doing something like, “Rock on the Rock”, has not yet been decided.

We have been constantly amazed at the overwhelming support from our generous community during our closure. Seeing everyone come together during this time of uncertainty has reminded us all about why we choose to call this special island home.

It has been an honor to lend our facility and services to various COVID relief efforts – it’s quite humbling to know that Orcas Center has been the site where most islanders have received their vaccinations! Reopening will be a process over several months as we return to the new “normal”. Whether you’re new to Orcas Center, or a long-time member, your donation will help us through this period of transition as we get back to being the place where the Arts and Community meet.

Looking forward to seeing you all in person again,

Dimitri Stankevich
Executive Director