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Orcas Center presents on the Center Stage Screen:

NT Live: Nye (R)

Friday, March 21st at 6pm
2 hours and 40 minutes
Tiered Ticket Pricing:
$63, $33, $18, $10
Orcas Center charges a $2 per ticket fee

**Orcas Center’s Tiered Ticket Pricing is based on the needs of your family. The variant in pricing is not based on seat location or dates of performances, rather, what you’re able to afford to help us to maintain our facilities and create quality programming.

Tier A is the true cost per patron of putting on show at the Orcas Center, Tier B is our standard rate, also subsidized by our generous donors,
Tier C is a rate subsidized by our generous donors. **

Nye (R)

Michael Sheen plays Nye Bevan in a surreal and spectacular journey through the life and legacy of the man who transformed Britain’s welfare state and created the NHS.

Confronted with death, Aneurin ‘Nye’ Bevan’s deepest memories lead him on a mind-bending journey back through his life; from childhood to mining underground, Parliament and fights with Churchill.

Written by Tim Price and directed by Rufus Norris (Small Island).